Which brand lift method is right for you?

which brand lift methodology to choose

When you go use a brand lift measurement, it’s important to choose the right method to suit your context. Your options are real exposure and probably exposure. Let’s take a look at when each one is used!


The real exposure method

When to use it?

You can only use this method in cases where you can implement tags within the distributed creation.

A tag is a line of I.T. code that you integrate into an ad to track the people who have had it displayed on their device.

Of course, to stay in line with personal data legislation, this tracking is anonymous and is based solely on the IP address of the device used to view the ad. 

Tags can also be implemented in your creations for various formats:

👉 Connected TV
👉 Display
👉 Online video
👉 Etc.

What does this method involve?

The real exposure method is based on re-targeting. Thanks to the use of tags, you’ll be able to reach people who have really seen or heard your ad. That said – do they remember it?

With brand lift, you’ll be able to survey these people, so that you can measure how well, if at all, they remember your ad. This is what we call the degree of memorization.

That’s not all, the real exposure method is also used to measure other advertising performance indicators, such as:

👉 Brand attribution rate
👉 Approval score
👉 Consideration rate
👉 Purchase intent
👉 And many more!

To confirm the efficacy of your campaign, you’ll need to use a control group composed of individuals who have not been exposed to your ad.

The probable exposure method

When to use it?

Of course, we know that tags can’t be used in all environments. Especially when it comes to non-digital formats:

👉 Television
👉 Specialist press in print format
👉 Billboards
👉 Etc.

Not to worry, you can still use a brand lift analysis for these formats. To do this, you’ll use the probable exposure method.

The strength of this method lies in the fact that it retains reliability similar to the real exposure method for when the latter method can’t be used.

What does this method involve?

The probable exposure method is based on a super simple idea.

As you can’t target the exact distribution environment in which your ad has been distributed, you’ll select an environment with a similar audience to that of your campaign.

In concrete terms, you’re looking to identify an audience that has probably been exposed to your ad in its original distribution environment.

The brand lift analysis is then carried out in the same way as with the exposure method. We measure the desired performance indicators while validating its impact through the discrepancies observed between the population that memorized your campaign (the memos) and the population that doesn’t remember it (the non-memos).

If you want to target a very specific distribution environment, you can always use a question that confirms the environment use in advance.

For example, if you’ve distributed your campaign on LinkedIn, you can ask respondents whether they regularly use LinkedIn, before you ask if they remember having seen your ad. Thanks to these questions, you’ll be able to see how many of the individuals probably exposed remember it.

There you have it! Now you know the differences between the real exposure method and the probable exposure method. All you have to do now is choose which one best suits your brand lift analysis!

Want to know more about Happydemics’ brand lift capabilities? Book a 30mn demo with our team!

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